Win boost provides an effective way for players to increase their winning rates. Professional players increase the chances of winning by logging into the player's account and help them achieve more victories. This allows players to be more successful in competitive environments and allows players to advance their accounts quickly. Achieving more victories allows players to level up faster, allowing them to reach their desired level faster. This makes players' gaming experience more efficient.
In some cases, when you want to rank up, feeders, AFKs, toxics and saboteurs may come to your matches and you will not be able to rise from your elo. In such cases, by placing a winboost order, you will receive a net win equal to your order number in addition to your current score. This way, after 5 extra wins, you will reach the elo you want.
Win boost means receiving net wins equal to the number you request. 5q can be entered to ensure a clear win in high elos. In this case, the 25% deduction does not prevent the number of Wins from being counted. In orders placed with Duo, no net win is taken, only as many wins as ordered.